Wednesday, March 27, 2013

3D2N Air Gadong Xtreme

Since the last trip , Sungai Gadong had never been on our trip-map anymore as a favourite location for kelah hunting due to the route toughness furthermore some timber bridge across a number of streams along the path leading to it had collapsed due to nature factors. However courage, determination and perseverance drives us back to there even though we expect there will be more harder...obstacles etc..than ever. Quote the words of Mr. Stephen King, " can, you should, and if you are brave enough to start, you will!".

After two weeks of the recce trip is done, on 23 Mac 2013, together with Mr Amri The Boss, Bro Syamsul ACDC and their crews, the adventure begun. So just for your eyes,,,together experience the adventure through the collection of photos  as attached...


Team Spirit and Perseverance

Defeat Fear

Camp Site

The Adventurers

Bro Amri The Boss
Bro Dollah a.k.a Paint Master
Bro Syamsul ACDC

Pak Man@Zaman Khan
Cikgu Pa
Chegu Jamil
Bro Yunus Komando
Bro Jek Aa Bukit Jamil
RG Team - Bob, Wan, Joe

Like the words of  Jim Morrison,,"Expose yourself to the deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free!"

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